How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Think And Feel Differently


How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Think And Feel Differently


hypnotherapy sheffield - Hypnosis is something that everyone is capable of experiencing. In fact you have been in a hypnotic trance many times in your life but have probably never even noticed it. Think back to your time at school. Maybe you were in a boring lesson and you found yourself gazing out of the window. You were listening but not really there. This is daydreaming frame of mind is very similar to the hypnotic frame of mind. Another example is finding that time has flown by while you were doing something you found enjoyable. A lack of awareness of the passage of time is also similar to being in a hypnotic trance.

A hypnotherapist helps you to deliberately do what you are already biologically and physically capable of doing. Once you have been helped to achieve this very relaxed frame of mind you are also suggestible. If you are given suggestions by your hypnotherapist that match up to the things you have said you want to change it isn't like you are being told to stop smoking or lose weight for example. It is more like you are being reminded of something you have said that you want to do and are then encouraged, empowered and supported in making those changes happen.

hypnotherapy sheffield - Those changes can be facilitated happening in many different ways. The tools and techniques used will vary from individual to individual but could include approaches like imagining future success, learning self hypnosis and relaxation techniques or using metaphors to explore alternative ways of thinking or feeling.

It is usual that a number of sessions are needed to address the issue and to develop strategies for the future. The number of hypnotherapy sessions needed varies between individuals, even when the same issue is being tackled. An average number of sessions I see clients for is around three. The potential for change through hypnosis is excellent. There have been many studies that have proved that hypnotherapy is a real phenomenon and can lead to dramatic change in some people.

Since 2008 Focused Hypnosis in Sheffield has been helping people to think and feel better about themselves and their lives. If you would like to experience what a hypnotic trance is like go to the Focused Hypnosis website and download your free 30 minute relaxation session.